Kapok Fiber: Properties, Processing and Applications
What is Kapok Fiber? Kapok or capok is a natural, cellulosic fiber. It is obtained from the seed hairs of kapok trees (Ceiba pentandra). Kapok is also called as silk …
What is Kapok Fiber? Kapok or capok is a natural, cellulosic fiber. It is obtained from the seed hairs of kapok trees (Ceiba pentandra). Kapok is also called as silk …
Perhaps the development of world civilization is going on along with the development of textiles. Textile fibers have been developed over many hundred years and most suitable fibers have been …
What is hemp fiber? Hemp is also one of the bast fibers known from ancient times. It has been conducted over many centuries, for end uses from textiles, ropes and …
Pineapple Leaf Fiber: Pineapple is one of the most important commercially grown fiber crops since it yields fruit and textile fiber both. Pineapple is a common tropical plant, which belongs …
Milk or Casein Fiber: An Overview Abdul Aziz Department of Textile Engineering Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET) Email: abdulaziz1998tex@gmail.com What is milk or casein fiber? Unbelievable but …