Whitening Process for Cotton and PC Blended Fabric
What is Fabric Whitening Treatment? Whitening is a chemical treatment, which is applied on fibers, yarns or fabrics to make white at a desired level by bleaching and OBA treatment. …
What is Fabric Whitening Treatment? Whitening is a chemical treatment, which is applied on fibers, yarns or fabrics to make white at a desired level by bleaching and OBA treatment. …
Water pollution is one of the most environmental threats throughout the world. Water is an important asset for all living beings in the ecosystem. UNICEF and World Health Organization reports …
What is All Over Printing? All over printing, AOP is a term used to describe a special kind of printing that covers and repeated across the entire surface of apparel. …
What is Enzyme? The word Enzymes came from a Greek word ‘Enzymos’, which meaning ‘in the cell’ or ‘from the cell’. Enzymes are protein substances, produced by the living cells. …
Cotton processing consists of two basic processes namely, weaving and finishing. Most of the weaving operations are carried out under dry conditions, except slashing. Slashing or sizing is the process …