What is Fashion Trends | How do Fashion Trends Affect Your Personal Style

People have always been interested in fashion trends. Times have changed, fashion trends have also changed, it has become more comfortable and practical. Modern fashion trends are also alternative and varied. Following a fashion trend increases a person’s confidence. As a result, anyone can make oneself more attractive. So it is important to follow fashion trends.

What is Fashion Trends?

What is popular at a particular time is called a trend. The term trend is commonly used in a fashion-related sense. In the fashion industry, trend refers to fashions that were popular at a certain time. For example, in 2014, blue and orange were trendy colors. At present, chocolate color, bright orange and purple are more popular as a trend.

fashion trends

The clothes that a person likes to wear are his own style which reflect his personality or interest. Fashion trends can start when people with high culture start wearing new or different clothes. People who like or respect these people are influenced by their style and start wearing clothes with the same style. As a result, that style became a trend.

Fashion trends can be influenced by a variety of factors including political, social, economic and technological. The emphasis should be on elegant, comfortable, practical and personality while following modern fashion trends.

How do Fashion Trends Affect Your Personal Style?

Just wearing clothes is not style. Style is a person’s own identity. With the help of this, individual identity is revealed. New trends to keep pace with the times are actually welcomed by fashion-loving people. As a result, it affects a person’s own style.

While following the trend, many people become attractive and many people lose their beauty. The trend should be followed by looking at the physical constitution of the person and what suits them. Fashion experts are of the opinion that not all trends are for everyone. Trends affect a person’s style in both positive and negative ways. This is discussed below:

Positive effect:

Following the trend makes the person look more attractive. As a result, the person’s beauty is revealed.

👉Clothing that looks good and feels comfortable naturally invites a person’s self-confidence. As a person’s beauty increases, so does their self-confidence. As a result, any work is stimulated. Success catches up easily.

👉Style is the expression of a person’s inner beauty. Repeatedly following trends creates diversity in a person’s style. As a result, the person can present himself more beautifully.

👉New trends bring new creativity in the field of style. As a result, innovation comes in the style of the person. People are changeable. Everybody wants to decorate themselves anew. Always wants to discover theirself beautifully. Trends play an important role in this case.

👉With the help of trends one can get acquainted with new fashions. Many times the trends are followed in accordance with the local traditions and culture. As a result, when a person follows that trend, the native culture emerges in its own style.

Negative effect:

👉Trends are often followed by looking at models or by inclination. As a result, attention is not paid to the aspects which are suitable and which are also not suitable for oneself. So that, following trends that are inconsistent with themselves. The result looks eye-catching. Which has a bad effect on a person’s own style. As a result, external beauty is lost.

👉There are different fashion trends in each era. When a trend spreads around, many people want to accept it. Many times, their own style has been destroyed by floating in the fashion trend and many women have survived till death, they are living with various physical problems. A trend that makes people’s lives miserable. It is known that many women have died due to wearing heels corsets and crinoline.

👉By following the trend, individuals become more dependent on online platforms. Many people consider the clothes worn by the models as a trend. As a result, one’s own style gradually disappears.

Like the old calendar, many popular fashions of the past are also saying goodbye, there is a new trend of fashion associated with the new year. People want to express themselves in different ways. In this case, trend is a medium which changes the person’s own style, refines it and presents itself in a new way. In following the trend; care should be taken so that it does not ruin the individual’s own identity.


The fashion trend is the popular style of clothing and accessories at a particular moment. The fashion industry is running very fast, resulting in trends and much less time sustaining. In the present age, people are giving more priority to comfort in fashion. Trends in society vary considerably according to age, social, class, generation, occupation, and geography, and may change over time. As a result, fashion trends have a special effect on a person’s own style.


  1. https://textilelearner.net/how-fashion-trend-affect-the-environment/
  2. https://shesaid.com/fashion-trends-vs-personal-style-carving-identity/
  3. https://mybeautifuladventures.com/2019/11/22/how-do-fashion-trends-influence-your-personality/
  4. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282571020_Fashion_trends_and_their_impact_on_the_society
  5. http://indianmirror.com.au/?p=2239
  6. https://www.bartleby.com/essay/What-Influences-the-Fashion-Trends-PKJHGRLYVC

Author of this Article:
Nazifa Tabassum
B.Sc. in Clothing and Textile
Govt. College of Applied Human Science, Dhaka
Email: nazifa.099@gmail.com

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