Operation Breakdown and SMV of a Trouser

What is Operation Breakdown and SMV?

A breakdown is a list of the elements that comprise the content of a job. A garment is manufactured by a number of sewing jobs and non-sewing jobs. Jobs or activity involved in making a garment is known as operations. When you breakdown a garment, you are writing down all of the parts and all of the operations one after another, lying with the whole garment and following the process sequence. So we can say, the method of preparing operations’ list in a sequence is called as operation breakdown.

Operation Breakdown of a Trouser

SMV means Standard Minute Value. It is a predetermined time measurement used to estimate the time required to perform a specific operation or task. SMV is a common tool between fashion brands and manufacturers for discussions on cost, time and floor capacity.

A trouser, also commonly known as pant, is a garment that covers the lower part of the body, specifically the waist to the ankles. It is worn by both men and women. Trouser is a very commonly manufacturing product in knit garments. Generally, it is made by fleece fabric or single jersey, popular clothing in this generation. In this article I will explain operation breakdown and smv of a trouser with proper data.

Operation Breakdown and SMV of a Trouser:

SL No.Operation DescriptionM/C TypeSMV
1Facing OL0130.350
2Facing attachment to pocket bagSN0.450
3Pocket bag closeSN0.550
4Turn and top stitch on pocket bagSN0.500
5Pocket bag mark and attachment frontSN0.600
6Trim and turnHLP0.400
7Top stitchDN0.550
8Dummy stitchSN0.500
9Inside fly run and ready0130.350
10Zip attachment to flySN0.450
11Inside fly attachmentSN0.400
12Zip finishSN0.450
13J fly attachment and top stitchSN0.550
14J stitchDN0.450
15Front rise attachment0150.400
16Bar tack flyBARTACK0.100
17FR trim and inspectionHLP0.450
18W/B jointSN0.350
19WB ironHLP0.450
20WB run stitchSN0.600
21Trim and turnHLP0.400
22Loop readyFL0.350
23Mark and trimHLP0.450
24Dart stitchSN0.450
25Welt attachmentDN0.500
26Pocket bag attachmentSN0.450
27Notch and turnHLP0.60
28Side tackingSN0.65
29Welt closeSN0.45
30Bottom edge stitchSN0.65
31Pocket bag closeSN0.60
32Bag top stitchSN0.55
33Welt top edge stitchSN0.650
34BK rise01.50.45
35Trim and inspectHLP0.45
36FR and BK attachment (side)01.50.750
38Loop attachmentSN0.650
39WB and body no setHLP0.450
40WB attachmentSN0.600
41WB finishSN1.000
42Loop finishSN0.700
43Bar tack on loopBARTACK1.10
44Bottom hemSN0.800
45Hook and eye attachmentSpecial0.500
46Back pocket button attachmentBS0.260
47Button hole sewBH0.260
48Trimming and checkingHLP2.00


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