If you want to why you should study in textile engineering? If you have a curiosity about textile engineering? What is textile engineering? What are the reasons for studying textiles? Necessity of textile engineering? Why should you study in textile engineering? Why should you choose to study in textile engineering? I think you will get enough ideas on your dream career about textile engineering after reading this article.
What is Textile Engineering?
Textile Engineering (TE) or textile technology is a branch of engineering where it’s is a practical oriented applied science-based subject with the application of scientific and engineering principles to the design and control of all aspects of yarn, fibre, textile, and apparel processes, products, and machinery. It involved of the principles that deals with the analysis of polymers involved in the formation of textile fibre. Textile engineering is so important branch of engineering cause that deals with the garment, colour, and fabric line of industries. It is the process that deals with all activities and methods which are involved in the process of textile manufacturing. It focuses on the design and control of the fibre, machinery and products, and apparel and textile process.

Necessity of Textile Engineering?
There is a common misconception about textile engineering among us. Many people think that textile engineering is taught only to make cloth. But this has nothing to do with making clothes. Textile engineering is basically taught the basics of textiles and apparel. The subject of Textile Engineering is also the method of making yarn suitable for making cloth from fibres or the methods of making a fabric comfortable.
Textile Engineering is about designing to control all aspects of fibre, textile processes, and final apparel products. It includes research & development, manufacturing & merchandising of yarn, fabric, and apparel.
Textile Engineering includes natural and man-made materials, the interaction of materials with machines, safety and health, energy conservation, and waste and pollution control. Textile engineers are given training and experience in plant design and layout, machine and wet process design and improvement, and designing and creating textile and apparel products. From the fashion innovation of new designs to the maintenance of machinery or ensuring the quality of the finished product all of these are taught in textile engineering.
Possibilities and uses of non-combustible, heat-resistant, chemical-resistant, or water-resistant fabrics — all these are taught in textile engineering. This includes textile engineering, not just engineering, but everything from everyday wear to specialize (such as fire-fighters jackets to astronauts’ suits). The impact on the environment of this huge textile sector for the world’s 7.8 Billion people, the prevention of this is also part of textile engineering.
Why should You Choose to Study in Textile Engineering?
Job Guarantee:
Bangladesh is second position to export ready-made garments after China. Now there are about 5000+ Garments and Textile industries in Bangladesh and about 4.5 million people work here. So, there’s a huge job opportunity.
In this sector, you may easily get a job. Sometimes students also get job offers during their internee. So, Job Guarantee is a great opportunity for all textile students.
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Job through Appeared Certificate:
Where every student of other subjects has to wait for their final certificate and then they get a job. Due to the huge demands of highly skilled manpower with a technological and managerial background in textile and apparel field, there you can easily get a job through appeared a textile engineering certificate.
High Salary:
The starting salary of a textile engineer in Bangladesh per month is around 15-25 thousand depending on the qualities of student. But after 6 or 7 years the amount raises to at least 70-80+ thousand per month. In government sector textile jobs salary is given by the government pay scale.
To Serve the Country:
Everyone wants to serve his country through his job. You can serve your country financially. Today the textile export sector is a multi-billion-dollar manufacturing and export industry in Bangladesh. Exports of textiles and garments are the main source of foreign exchange earnings in our country. The textile sector acts as the backbone of our economy and as a catalyst for the development of the country. The sector accounts for 84% of the total export earnings of the country. Entire economy of Bangladesh depends on the export of the textile sector. So, the dream to serve my country will come true through your job. You have also scope to do job in government sector.
To Make the World Fashionable:
Everybody likes fashion. If you like to contribute to the fashion world, you are welcomed here. Cause, a Textile Engineer needs to learn the current trends and requirements of people and work in compliance with that. Textile Engineers have to be updated with the latest trends and innovations. Through your job, you can do it.
To Do Something Creative:
Everybody tries to do something new, something creative. Textile sector demands the creative peoples. Most of the textile engineers work on product research and development, and improving current textile-based products or creating new products. There are huge opportunities for showing your creativity. So, here you can also do it professionally.
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Made in Bangladesh Tag:
Although many have allergies as a profession, only textile engineers in Bangladesh have started branding at the international level under the tag “Made in Bangladesh”.
To Face the Challenging World:
Textile sector is a challenging sector. Here the law of survival ‘Survival for the fittest’ is strictly followed. Most of the students of this subject are studying this subject in the usual way but as we are living in the time of globalization, we should come out from usual way to make difference and take the challenge by Studying in Textile Engineering.
Lastly, if you have full confident then you can complete your graduation in engineering and ready to face the challenges welcome to Textile Engineering.
Author of this Article:
Md. Mahedi Hasan
B.Sc. in Textile Engineering
Textile Engineering College, Noakhali.
Email: mh18.bd@gmail.com